A sweet surprise. A magical blend of dark roasted coffee beans, mild tangy walnuts and crystal clear wodka gives this cocktail it's nice twist in flavour. Not just your regular cup of coffee.
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The Stir - Classic on the rocks
Requirements: Tumbler glass, ice cubes, 2 coffee beans & cocktail in a bottle "Haagsch Bakkie"
Fill a tumbler glass with ice
Fill your glass with Haagsch Bakkie (approx. 50ml) and stir briefly
Garnish with 2 coffee beans
The Build - "Vesma" (wrong espresso martini)
Requirements: Tumbler glass, ice cubes, whole milk, cocktail in a bottle "Haagsch Bakkie" & nutmeg​
Fill a tumbler glass with ice
Add 50 ml Haagsch Bakkie
Add 50 ml whole milk
Garnish with grated nutmeg
The Shake – “Coffee ‘o Clock”
Requirements: Martini glass, cocktail shaker, ice cubes, strainer (Hawthorne), fine mesh strainer, a shot of espresso, 2 coffee beans & cocktail in a bottle "Haagsch Bakkie"
Fill the shaker with ice
Add a shot of espresso
Add 50 ml Haagsch Bakkie
Shake the ingredients well
Pour the drink into the martini glass using a double strainer (strainer and fine mesh).
Garnish with 2 coffee beans